Boyer Patents Project
Mr. Jason Harold Byers (7-BV854911), a patent attorney, in 1949 submitted a manuscript consisting of all known Boyer (and derivations of the Boyer name) patents that had been registered from 1849 to 1948. The document was prepared on an old fashioned typewriter with handwritten addendums. As such, early attempts (late 1980s) of doing an OCR scan failed because of the nature of the typewriter font and inconsistent levels of black lettering. The manuscript consists of approximately 50 typed pages and includes reprints of some of the patent applications and the accompanying drawings. Depending on the timeline for publication of the index volumes, volunteers may have time to do further research and expand the list to include later years up to the present. The Association would like to include the results of this project as one of the appendices planned for the index volumes. We would also like to include it on our website for viewing. An acknowledgement of any volunteer work will be included in the book and on the website for those who assist with this project.
If you are interested then let us know by clicking HERE for the contact form, choose “Volunteer” and let us know in the Subject line that you are looking to help with the Boyer Patent Project.