Boyers in the Military
Dana Blomquist (m.AC143113122) has spent many years researching and compiling information on Boyers who served in the military in all of the wars from the American Revolution until Desert Storm. He has also included interesting detailed stories on some of these individuals. Dana has passed this wealth of information on to the Association so it would not be lost. We are hoping to include some form of this in our appendices as part of the final index books. We are looking for volunteers who can proof read, update where needed, and format the information to prepare it for publication. We are sure more information has become available in the last 15 years since Dana submitted this to the Association. We will acknowledge on both the web site and in our book any work done by volunteers on this project.
If you are interested then let us know by clicking HERE for the contact form, choose “Volunteer” and let us know in the Subject line that you are looking to help with the Boyers in the Military Project.