Gallery of Boyers
This page will be a mix of pictures and possibly other media of Boyers and related descendants. The starting point will be pictures gleaned from the 7th edition of “American Boyers” by Donald A. Boyer. These pictures were gathered through research and donation by families whose lines are in the books. To start the galleries will be divided by book volumes, but you can also look at all of them at once. If you have additional images you would like to share please contact us HERE and note in the Subject line that it is a “Media Donation”.
Lewis Boyer b.1802 (AC167)
Joseph Boyer b.1835 (AC1675)
Walter Lewis Boyer II b.1849 (AD165112)
Simon R. Boyer b.1810 (ADC36)
Joshua P. Boyer b.1831 (AF2465)
Allen Philip Boyer b.1849 (AI57642)
Charles Clinton Boyer b.1860 (AI621441)
John Kunkle Byers b.1854 (AT3524)
Daniel & Henrietta Boyer b.1812 (AWA9)
Elmer Boyer b.1874 (AY7141)
Daniel W. Boyer b.1834 (AZ38)
Jacob Keeler Boyer b.1857 (AZ278)
Jacob Drumheller b.1865 (m.AZ386)
Cyrarus Frey Boyer b.1862 (AZ2312)
Issac W. Byers (BA2365B1)
Emmanuel R. Boyer b.1851 (BA232512)
Samuel A. Boyer b.1854 (BA232514)
Donald Arthur Boyer b.1936 (BA132532151)
Harry Auphilla Boyer b.1886 (BA2315341)
Jacob Bradford Boyer & family b.1840 (BC131)
BGen Frederick Wallace Boyers b.1837 (BC66)
Paul Eugene Sieber b.1918 (BDC12641)
John & Sarah Byers b.1798 (BEA3)
Ellen Byers b. 1811 (BEA9)
John Mahaffey b.1807 (m.BEA9)
William T. Mahaffey b.1848 (BEA95)
Frankling Benjamin Byers b.1876 (BEA166)
Harry Byers b.1865 (BEA822)
Lemon S. Boyer b.1849 (BF1H11)
Edwin Lincoln Boyer b.1861 (BG24533)
Sanders Stephen Boyer b.1876 (BH11253)
Hugh Kelly Boyer b.1862 (BH1447)
Jonah Willlet Boyer b.1867 (BL11135)
Samuel Boyer b.1825 (BL15A)
Napoleon Bonaparte Boyer B.1832 (BV1232)
John Marshall Boyer b.1853 (BV12712)
Andrew Jackson Boyer b.1839 (BV8545)
George Boyer b.1793 (BW31)
Josiah Byers b.1853 (BX11C9)
Ellen Anna Byers b.1923 (BX11C964)
Robert Morris Boyers b.1788 (CD2)
Jacob Byers b.1797 (COA)
Jacob Chalmers Byers b.1831 (COA5)
Charles Blecker Byers b.1866 (COA53)
Henry Samuel Byers b.1835 (CS112) front row
John Peter Bayer b.1800 (DA)
Adeline Boyer b.1839 (EV24B)
Courtland Boyer b.1836 (FA15)
Oliver W. Boyer b.1825 (HT)
William Mirabeau Boyer b.1804 (IG1)
Lucius Leonidas Boyer b.1845 (IG18)
Simon M Boyer b.1859 (PN65)